Plane Dimmensions
- Wingspan – 2800mm / 110″
- Weight -16kg / 35lbs
- Engine – 60-150cc Gas engine
The Kit Includes
1. Laser cut poplar plywood parts
2. Laser cut balsa parts
3. Lexan canopy
4. Composite cowl
5.Detailed, fine printed paper plans in 1:1 scale
Machineguns for Spitfire
- $60.00
List of Materials You Need
diameter 35 mm / length 850 mm
diameter 18 mm / length 380 mm
Pine and balsa:
Landing Gear
Our kit is compatible with retracts from Shindin Machine and Siera.
Each kit is built specifically for you and we even engrave the pilot’s name on it! That’s why we need approximatelly 5 – 6 weeks after we receive your PayPal payment to produce the kit, pack it and ship it to your address.
Here you can see building galery.
Ian –
Looks fantastic just what I was looking for.