I am very happy to write about the biggest project we have completed so far – a 1/2 scale copy of a FW-190 A8! It all started when one of the best pilots and modellers in the world Hervé Ferauche contacted me about whether we can make a 50% scale model of a Focke Wulf.
You have most probably seen Hervé’s video on YouTube about his last project – a 1/2 Messerschmitt – a stunning project watched by thousands of people arould the world.
Needless to say, it was a challenge that I couldn’t miss so started working on the plans themselves right away!
Even though it’s one of the models we’re famous with, increasing the scale wasn’t an easy task. It took us few months to redesign big part of the Anton kits in smaller sizes that we had. The 50% model has improved strength, specially calculated thickness of each panel used and many improvements to accomodate the this giant’s weight.